Monday, January 17, 2011

We have a winner!

My mother was driven by a few things when she made dinner for our family.  The first of which was her desire to indoctrinate us into a healthy lifestyle (something my father has managed to resist for almost forty years).  Another thing that drove her was her quest for appreciation and praise.  This required a lot of experimentation on her part:  my father and little brother are particularly picky.  All challenges aside, she found a dinner that seemed to meet all of her, and the rest of the family’s expectations:  her “famous” chicken and rice.

I must confess:  I can’t really remember the first time this dinner was served to the family.  I imagine that when it happened, the reaction must have been astounding.  I’m only guessing this because it seems like we have it every time my mother can’t think of anything else to make…which incidentally seems like a lot sometimes.  Don’t get me wrong though:  the chicken is delicious!  And it is complimented perfectly by jasmine or pilaf rice, and my mother’s steamed carrots. 
            The recipe for the marinade or accompaniment changes with my mother’s mood:  which does make for a variety of different tastes.  The chicken usually marinates in the refrigerator for about a day before it is cooked and served.  A common ingredient in the marinade is rosemary,  although it is usually very subtle.  When my mother decides to really give the chicken a bold flavor, she breaks out her go-to spice:  coriander.  I swear, I have been eating coriander since I was three years old.  I personally feel like it really makes the chicken far more tasty. 
            Although I am often stuck with eating chicken and rice for a majority of my visits to home, I don’t hate it.  There are far worse things than a scrumptious and healthy meal.

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